Sunday, June 30, 2013


otm 14:00
even 5 40" box jumps
odd 10 ring pushup

After the otm work I intended to do a 20 minute amrap of 400m run 21 kb swings (2pd) 12 pullups.  It turned into me just finishing 3 rounds.  It was pretty hot outside today (mid 90s).  The humidity was probably only 50%, which is actually favorable during this time of year around here.  I finished 3 rounds in 12:25.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


deadlift + hang clean from 2" off the floor 1+1 x8

Pause front squat (2 sec)


Thursday, June 27, 2013


Snatch pull + snatch pull from knee + snatch from knee

pause back sq (2 sec)

Sn 1st pull 2x6
235 all sets

OTM   12:00
evens  3 bar muscle ups
odds   10 GHD situps

A1 2.2.2 x3 muscle up clusters rest 2:00
A2 10.10.10x3 wall ball clusters #30 ball rest 2:00
rest :20 between cluster sets

ten rounds rowing
:30  85%
:30  50%

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


PowerSnatch + Hang Power snatch

Power Clean + Push Press
165-195-225-245-255-265-275-280(failed push press)

Bent over row 5x4

OTM 21:00 (7 sets of each)
1. 3 weighted strict pullups #35
2.  200m run
3.  3 deficit HSPU strict (parallettes w/ 2 #15s and 1 ab mat)


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Front squat

Press 4,3,2,1
135, 155, 175, 185

@ 85% ladder down non-false grip, ladder up false grip
5 muscle ups
50 double unders
4 mu
40 du
3 mu
30 du
2 mu
10 double unders
1 muscle ups
10 double unders
2 mu
20 du
3 mu
30 du
4 mu
40 du
5 mu 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Back Squat @85% 1x3
#365 for all three singles

Snatch work to a heavy single
heavy singles 165,175,185,195,205,215 failed a second attempt at 215

Clean and jerk
3+2x2 #215
2+2x2 #245
#295Failed Jerk

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Clean grip snatch
6x1 up to #165
5x2 @ 75%   175-180

Clean from high hang
4x1 up to #196
Clean and jerk
6x1 @ 75%   245


A1. Weighted Strict pullups 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 #25
A2. Deficit Strict HSPU 1 high temp #45 + 1#10

10:00 AMRAP @85%
200m run
5 burpee muscle ups

3 rounds + 1 run

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Clean grip deadlift + hang clean from 2" off the ground + jerk
8 x 1+1+1
135-165-195-225-245-255-265-275     failed 1st attempt at 255, and 275

Pause front squat


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Snatch pull + Sn pull from knee, + Sn from knee 7x(1+1+1)
135, 135, 155, 155, 165, 165, 175F, 175F feeling more fluid wrist hurt on the catch
Pause back squat 4x5 (2 sec pause) 295
Bent over row 5x4    155

Friday, June 14, 2013


5x5 weighted strict ring dips @#35
6 rounds
10 wall balls #30
10 Russian KB swings 2p
rest 1:1

Thursday, June 13, 2013


1. Power snatch + Sn grip push press + OHS 7x(1+1+2)
135, 155, 175, 185,195 F, 185, 185, 185

2. Power clean + Hang PC + jerk (push) 6 x (1+1+1)
185, 205, 225, 245(f jerk), 235, 235, 235

3. RDL 3x5
235, 255, 255

Feel absolutely wrecked.  My energy level was not bad.  Carb back loading has been going well in that respect.  I mostly felt achy, sore, and bruised.  Rest day tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Snatch grip press 4x4   95-105-110-110
Front Squat 3x3 @85% 290 3@145-195-245-(290-290-290)
A1. 5 strict weighted pullups #20
A2 5 strict deficit HSPU  hands on #45 plates

3err rounds of 400m run 5 burpee muscle ups rest 1:00 after the run rest 1:30 after the muscle ups.  This was meant to be 5 rounds but, it was 100 degrees inside the gym and running in the sun was actually the refreshing part.  I did not finish the 3rd round.  After two muscle ups I felt bad and stopped. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Monday's workout (a day behind)

Back Squat 3x1 #355
Snatch 2x3 @ #160, 3x2 @ #180, 4x1 @ #190
Clean and Jerk (3+2)x2@ #200, (2+2)x2 @#230, (1+2) @ #245, did not attempt 2nd jerk, (1+1)@260

My first day back lifting this much since a week before the Open in March and my first time doing anything since Regoinals 15 days ago.  My shoulders felt exceptionally tight.  Front Squats and snatch grip press were also programmed but will be made up tomorrow.  I felt good today in terms of energy.  The first day of the actual carb backloading/intermittent fasting had me at virtually zero carbs by the time of training at 4:30.  I felt a little out of practice and rusty in the snatches and jerks, cleans felt smooth-ish, but heavy.  The bottom of the receiving position of the snatch felt tight and uncomfortable.  PM BW 183.6

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 1

After returning from Regionals in San Antonio, I have not closed the door on another year of competing in CrossFit.  One of my goals moving forward is to better keep track of my training plans leading to the next season of CrossFit.  Jason has developed a strength/weightlifting program for me.  I have added in my own supplemental work and conditioning workouts.  My main goal is to become a little stronger and have better power endurance.  I feel my 1RM for most lifts are OK, but my ability to sustain heavy loads for metcons is a limiting factor.

Today's plan 1 RMs I will be using for the %'s are BS 420, FS 340, CJ 305, Sn 225
Those numbers are my best lifts ever, not necessarily where I feel like I am right now.

1.      BS
a.      80-85%x1x3
2.      Snatch
a.      70%x3x2
b.      80%x2x3
c.      85%x1x4
3.      C+J
a.      65%x3+2x2
b.      75%x2+2x2
c.      80%x1+2
d.      85%x1+1x2
4.      FS
a.      85%x3x3
5.      SnSP
a.      4x4